How to Download and Play Retro Bowl College on PC, for free!

Until now the successful Retro Bowl College of New Star Games Ltd is only available for smartphones and not yet for desktop computers. Play Retro Bowl College on your PC today by downloading one simple application. We will give instructions on how to install the app on every desktop device.

Play Retro Bowl College with Bluestacks on PC

Retro Bowl College

Retro Bowl College

Using a free Android emulator you can continue to play the app on the PC. The BlueStacks AppPlayer allows users to use all apps that are meant for mobile devices on your dekstop for free. Since 2011 over 90 million users have used the software. BlueStacks works on Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 and Mac OS.

  1. Download BlueStacks for Windows for free and install the program.
  2. After installation, you can sign in with your Google Account and get access to the Google Play Store
  3. The Google Play Store needs to be searched for 'Retro Bowl College'. The Android app can now be easily downloaded and installed.
  4. Start the app after installation and play as on your smartphone.
Download Bluestacks and get started right away Download Now!
If you have problems with the BlueStacks App Player you can use alternatives like GenyMotion or AndY. AndY is also free and offers many great features, while GenyMotion charges you an annual amount.
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About Retro Bowl College

The official spin-off of the smash hit RETRO BOWL takes you back to the old-school. If you thought managing a Pro Team was a challenge - you've seen nothing yet!

Make a name for yourself as a winning Head Coach for one of 250 College teams. Manage tight budgets and encourage your hotheaded young players to keep their eye on the ball when they're surrounded by the temptations and distractions of College life. Can you tell the difference between the next Pro Football superstar and the party animal who doesn't know when to quit? Can you foster their talents and help them make the Draft? Can you turn your school into the greatest Football College of all time?

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